One of the keys to a sound financial strategy is spending less than you take in, and then finding a way to put your excess to work. A money management approach involves creating budgets to understand and make decisions about where your money is going. It also involves knowing where you may be able to put your excess cash to work.
Surprise! You’ve Got Money!
Here’s a quick guide to checking to see if you have unclaimed money.
Your Cash Flow Statement
A presentation about managing money: using it, saving it, and even getting credit.
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What to Look for in Personal Finance Apps
An increasing number have been developed to help individuals with their personal finances.
4 Easy Ways to Turn the Next Generation into Savvy Savers
In times like these—nearly a decade after the Great Recession and in the midst of the current crisis—teaching your kids the value of a dollar is more critical than ever.
Protection from a Financial Emergency
A financial emergency can happen to anyone.
Financial Fixes: 5 Tips for Handling Inheritance
Remember that family reunion you wanted to forget?
Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees: Teaching Your Tweens the Value
Now’s a great opportunity to help kids learn about the value of money. Not just that it’s useful or necessary—but how we get it and how to maximize its value.
How Big is Money?
Learn a little about worldwide currency in this fun infographic
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Your Cash Flow Statement
A presentation about managing money: using it, saving it, and even getting credit.
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Once Upon a Goal
Do you know how to set up your financial goals for success? This knight does.
The Cost of Procrastination
Procrastination can be costly. When you get a late start, it may be difficult to make up for lost time.
Surprise! You’ve Got Money!
Here’s a quick guide to checking to see if you have unclaimed money.